welcome 2 my twisted mind...

fangz for visiting... this website is still a work in progress, so please bear with me.

this me!! (they/them)

i have the drip of a repressed middle school emo and the temperance of an 87-year-old.

anyway, while i gather up the energy to do literally anything w this page, here's some stuff about me.... >:•)


music: brakence, linkin park, eden, porter robinson.
my most listened-to genres are hyper/alt pop, alt rock, alt metal. any alt genre, i'll probably like; i love seeing how artists bend genres into their own taste. in general, though, i'm usually a fan of a melodic electric guitar and/or screaming.

fandoms: spiderverse, mlp.

hobbies: cooking, spending time with my fiancee and friends, travelling, hiking on trails, aquariumkeeping, reading, writing, sketching, following internet rabbit holes.

book club page coming soon.....................